Similar to the Art Museum Cream Pitcher featured in the previous Deep Dive, the 17th century Sayre House is the notable feature seen on on this pair of gold-trimmed ceramic containers, specifically a cream pitcher and sugar bowl.

Both pieces feature matching turquoise handles on their respective sides, with the handle of the sugar bowl having a handle with the same style. The bodies of each piece have pink coloring begin at the top and bottom, and fade to white as they move towards the centers. The Sayre House is framed by a gold-trimmed decorative pattern surrounding it on all available sides (including the rim of the bowl's lid). That gold trim is also seen circling the bodies horizontally of both pieces (with the sugar bowl having a brief gold line break to the left of the Sayre House). At the bottom of each painting, it reads "Sayre House, 1648, Southampton, LI" and the rendition of the home is identical for each piece. Both pieces have the stamp "Made in Austria for W.G. Corwin, Southampton L.I. N.Y" within the rectangle border, with "Vienna" underneath the rectangle.

However under the sugar bowl, there is an additional "W" makers mark, which is surrounded by the words "Wheelock China Austria" circling the letter, with a crown at the top. The pitcher measures at about 3.5x3.5 inches, and the sugar bowl with lid measuring at 2.75x4.5 inches.

The Sayre House was constructed merely 8 years after the English settlers landed at Conscience Point. The House was constructed by Thomas Sayre, one of the eight original founders of what would become Southampton, and the first of many generations of Sayres who would live in the village. The House was originally located on Main Street, but by 1912 it was sadly condemned as a fire hazard and torn down. To quote our own Research Center Manager Mary Cummings, "one of the last reminders of the 17th century village was eliminated". This reproduced picture of the Sayre House would be featured on many post cards and art pieces, such as the Sayre House Folk Art Piece featured in a previous Deep Dive.